Cucumber is beneficial for liver, kidney, gall blader stone

Cucumber as healthy food // Reasons to add cucumber in daily diet ?

key points:-

1. Reasons to add cucumber in daily diet ?
2. Health benefits of cucumber.

3. Which food you should not take with cucumber ?

4. Never mistake to eat these 3 foods with cucumber !

5. Healthy ingredients of cucumber.

Health benifits of cucumber

       Cucumber is a vey nutritious food. It proved by the healthy nutrients present in cucumber. A medium size cucumber contains 95% water, 6 gram Carbohydrate, 3 gram protein and 10% daily needs of Vitamin C of daily needs, 57% of daily needs of Vitamin K, 12% of daily needs of Vitamin B complexes, 12% of daily needs of Potassium, 9% of daily needs of Manganese, Copper, Iron, Zink, Tenins , flavonoids and many antioxidants.
This medium size cucumber have 30 calories of energy.

But never eat some food till an hour of eating cucumber otherwise will feel sick. If someone take cucumber before half hour of heavy meal it’s better. Also if someone take 70 – 100 grams of cucumber before half hour of heavy meal or just after the meal will benefit him to control gaseous abdomen, acidity and improving digestion. Eating cucumber will help to control Diabetis, obesity and help loosing body weight. Because cucumber contains more fiber and water. Also it would control bad cholesterol levels that will take care of hypertension to go down. Moreover eating cucumber otherwise control urinary tract infection.

Cucumber is beneficial for liver, kidney, gall blader stone

Take one glass of cucumber juice before half an hour of heavy meal in the morning is beneficial for excretion of free redicle from the body cells , prevent kidney stones, gall bladder stones, fatty liver and fatty pancreas. It’s good to eat cucumber juice in the morning to control uric acid and Gout. Person busy with mobile phone and computer work can eat cucumber juice in the morning for better eye health. Eating cucumber juice increases immunity, mental stress and memory.

    Person having vomiting tendency and bloating abdomen after chewing cucumber may turn on to cucumber juice to control the symptoms.

Which food you should not include with cucumber together ?

Never eat onion or lemon with cucumber

   In Ayurveda it’s mentioned that some foods should not be eaten along with cucumber. This 3 foods are
1. Lemon :- Eating cucumber along with lemon may form ‘Aam’ ( indigestion) in stomach that may cause acidity, vomiting, skin allergy and diarrhea. If these two foods are taken in different times that will benefit more.

2. Tomato :- Never eat these two foods together because the oxalic acid content of tomato and the penthothenic acid of cucumber will react early each other in abdomen causing pain abdomen, distension of abdomen and indigestion.

3. Never drink water at the time of eating cucumber because enzyme imbalances occur when you drink water during eating cucumber leading to bloating abdomen and kidney impairment.

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